Associations are the glue of our society. Like the mortar that hold the bricks of a building in place, associations go largely unnoticed, yet they do much to hold the entire structure together.
Quote of Jim Collins
Author of the books 'Good to Great' and 'Built to Last.'
Progress toward a change in the perception of the science and business of LENR is gaining momentum. This is occurring both through scientific study and through early engineering of systems based on LENR to produce heat and electricity. Several small companies are conducting experiments, and are designing, building and testing prototypes of LENR-based devices. A few large companies are known to be watching developments in the field.
Part of the increased interest is due to the publication in 2013 and 2014 of two reports on various embodiments of Leonardo Corp. and later, Industrial Heat LLC, technologies [1,2]. Though these reports have generated significant criticism, they have also attracted much attention outside of the community of scientists doing research on LENR. Notable public corporations, and private companies and individuals are now focused on LENR.
Commercial endeavors to produce devices based upon LENR, including thermal and electrical generators, if successful, could grow to significant scales, and become a consequential new industry. To advance the progress and adoption of the resulting technologies, it will be necessary to develop industry standards and safety criteria for commercial products and processes. This, and other factors, raised the question about an association for the new industry.
Such an association for LENR has now been formed. LENRIA shall be put forward as the field’s representative in the USEA (the United States Energy Association,) the association of associations representing members from most energy concerns in the U.S. including coal, oil, gas, nuclear, solar, wind and other industries. There are also the EREC and the JCRE, the renewable energy councils of Europe and Japan, respectively, and councils in other regions.
Additionally, there will be growing needs for (a) provision of information, organization of commercial conferences or expositions, and professional communications to counter opponents and negative propaganda about LENR, and (b) representation of LENR before government bodies, regulators and the public. This new association focused on LENR is needed.
LENRIA, the Industry Association of LENR is a new not-for-profit organization to advocate for both scientific study and, especially, commercial advancement of the field. There shall be various member services to dues-paying individuals and companies. The Association has been set up in the U.S. However it shall serve the global community of involved and interested persons and organizations.
The intention to form an Industrial Association for LENR was announced at ICCF-18. During ICCF-19, in Padua, Italy, the new Industrial Association for LENR was announced. The ICCF-19 presentation can be viewed here or downloaded here.
LENR + Industrial Association =

[1] G. Levi et al, “Indications of Anomalous Heat Energy Production in a Reactor Device Containing Hydrogen Loaded Nickel Powder”, arXiv, 2013, 1305.3913
[2] G. Levi et al, “Observation of Abundant Heat Production from a Reactor Device and of Isotopic Changes in the Fuel”, ecat.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/ECAT-test-report-2014.pdf, October 2014